Premier Choice Annuity Renewal Rates

This product is not available for new issues.

Rates may be changed at any time without notice, and the rates set forth herein may not be available at the time of purchase. For product rate history call our Service Center at 800.888.2461. 

  • Money allocated to the 1-year Renewal Guarantee Period is available at all times without surrender charges.
  • The 1-year Renewal Guarantee Period Rate is guaranteed for one year.
  • You may transfer funds from the 1-year Renewal Guarantee Period to a new Guarantee Period at any time.
  • Any contract with a value greater than $125,000 will be credited an additional 0.10 bps unless the contract is being credited the Minimum Guaranteed Rate
Effective Date: 03/01/2025
Guarantee Period1 Contract Year Rate
2 Year Current Interest Rate Year 1 3.00%*
Year 2 2.00%
3 Year Current Interest Rate Year 1 3.00%*
Years 2-3 2.00%
5 Year Current Interest Rate Years 1-5 1.30%

* Includes a 1.00% interest rate bonus in Year 1.

1There is a $1,000 minimum allocation to a Guarantee Period.

2The Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate could be higher than the listed Current Interest Rate. If so, your Minimum Guaranteed Rate will be credited to your contract. See your contract for details.

Guarantees provided by annuities are subject to the financial strength of the issuing insurance company. Annuities are not FDIC or NCUA/NCUSIF insured; are not obligations or deposits of, and are not guaranteed or underwritten by any bank, savings and loan, or credit union or its affiliates; and are unrelated to and not a condition of the provision or term of any banking service or activity. 


The Premier Choice Annuity is a flexible purchase payment deferred fixed annuity, contract form FSB233 (12-02). The contract is issued by First Security Benefit Life Insurance and Annuity Company of New York, Albany, NY, and has limitations.

FS-10000-74 | 2021/12/31